Review: Full Moon
Style: Abby Ale
Brewer: Blue Moon from Coors Brewing Company (MolsonCoors)
Location: Denver, CO
Alcohol: 5.6%There is a wonderful copper color at it's base but the snowy white head that unfortunately runs off rather quickly in a pint of Full Moon. It carries the moniker of "Winter Ale" and, true to its name, is available only during and late fall and winter months.
Despite its seasonal name, it actually tastes a lot like a dunkel, a beer I more closely associate with the fall and Oktoberfest (pretty much the only time I drink the stuff). There is a certain sharpness to Full Moon, not a pale ale bite; this one probably comes from the alcohol. There is also a slight taste - I kid you not - of anchovies.
This isn't to say that Full Moon is then bad, it's just that I was expecting a different flavor for a winter drink. Season beers work best when their flavors conjure up images and senses that one would associate with the certain occasion. Pete's Wicked Strawberry Blonde does this. Samuel Adams Summer Ale used to. Full Moon, however, brings to mind very little of the winter interval. Unless, of course, you count the bottle, which has a nice, snow capped log cabin, shaded - of course - in the company's light blue.
It seems that most microbrew aficionados take particular pride in badmouthing the larger, American brewers, and for sure, I've dolled out my fair share of criticism, both in person and print. However, there's got to be something positive to say when these giant corporations use their resources and reach to distribute smaller, tastier and more interesting beers that normally would never have a national audience. Even when the specialty brew gets the large tank, mass appeal treatment, I can still certainly appreciate the provided variety.
My Rating: 6.2
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